
Terms and conditions for Affiliate Agreement

Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the following meanings:


(a) “Completed Transaction” means the goods or services of the Company ordered by a Customer have been delivered, the return period has expired, and thirty (30) days has elapsed since the goods or services were paid for in full.

(b) “Customer” means any person or party who purchases goods or services on the Site after connecting to the Site from the Affiliate Site.

(c) “Links” means the banner, buttons, coding or other manner in which a Customer is referred by one site to the Site for the purpose of promoting the sale of goods or services on the Site. The Links are prepared so as to track Customers who are directed from the Affiliate Site to the Site and make a purchase which results in a Completed Transaction.

(d) “Net Sale Price” means the total received in US Dollars (after conversion from non-US currency to US Dollars, if necessary) from the Customer less (i) any tax collected by the Company for or on behalf of any governmental or taxing authority (such as a sales tax or VAT), (ii) shipping and handling charges, (iii) restocking fees, (iv) credit card or other charges by attributable to the payment method used by the Customer, (v) currency conversion fees, or (vi) discounts, credit or allowances granted by the Company in its sole and absolute discretion.


You have sole and exclusive responsibility and liability for the development, operation, maintenance and all materials and content that appear on the Affiliate Site. You shall operate and maintain the Affiliate Site in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. In consideration of the Fees, you agree to place one or more of the Links on the Affiliate Site in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. We reserve the right to monitor the Affiliate Site to determine if you are in compliance with this Agreement. The Company is not responsible to pay any Fees in the event you do not use the Links provided to you by the Company without modification OR you do not properly install those Links, meaning the traffic will not be properly tracked to reflect that a Customer came from the Affiliate Site.


Subject to your proper installation and use of the Links, you will be compensated based upon the Net Sale Price from Completed Transactions. Your compensation (the “Fee”) shall be in accordance with the attached Schedule of Fees. The Fee will be offset with respect to each Completed Transaction for which (a) the Company issues discounts, credits or allowances, or (b) there is a chargeback issued against the Company for any payment previously credited to the Company. The Company reserves the right to refuse an attempted purchase by any person, in the Company's sole and absolute discretion. You shall have no claim to any Fee based on the Company's decision to not complete transaction with any person who accesses the Site through a Link on the Affiliate Site.


The Company is solely responsible for processing and fulfillment of all orders of goods and services on the Site, which shall be governed by the terms and conditions established by the Company in its sole and absolute discretion. All information about such orders and the Customers are the sole and exclusive property of the Company. Additionally, you agree that the Company may collect, process and sell certain information about you.


To use the Website, a User may create one type of account (“User Accounts”): User Account; You agree not to have or register for more than one User Account without express written permission from us.


You represent and warrant that:

(a) You are legally capable and authorized to enter into this Agreement; and, if you represent an entity, all actions necessary to authorize you to enter into this Agreement have been taken.

(b) You are the sole owner and operator of the Affiliate Site.

(c) The Affiliate Site does not and shall not:

(i) depict anyone less than eighteen (18) years of age;

(ii) contain material subject to 18 USC §2257 (but if it does, you will notify us not less than thirty (30) days in advance of such inclusion and you will comply in all respects therewith);

(iii) contain any information which you know or reasonably should know is false;

(iv) contain or transmit any apps or programs that are or can be installed or downloaded to a Customer’s computer or other device without the Customer’s express and knowing consent as to the exact nature, purpose and function of such apps or programs;

(v) not use the Company's name or the Marks in any form of unsolicited communication, including unsolicited email (spam)


The Company makes no representations or warranties as to the Site. To the maximum extent of the law, the Company disclaims all representations, warranties and conditions, express and implied, including the warranties of merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, title and non-infringement. The Site is provided “as is.”